Wednesday, November 23, 2011


“Marketers must decide how to promote and distribute the promotion program itself. A $2-off coupon could be given out in a package, at the store, via the Internet, or in an advertisement. Each distribution method involves a different level of reach and cost. Increasingly, marketers are blending several media into a total campaign concept. The length of the promotion is also important. If the sales promotion period is too short, many prospects (who may not be buying during that time) will miss it. If the promotion runs too long, the deal will lose some of its “act now” force.” (Kotler, 437)

The effective promotion of a product is very important. We have decided to use all methods available. We can place banners and placards at all local bars and pubs. We will send out mailers to all registered college students and will also email anyone who signs up for a spring break package. We can offer a buy one get one coupon for the first time user and also offer a 6 pack for a cheaper price. We will run our promotion for 3 weeks during the spring break time.
“Evaluation is also very important. Many companies fail to evaluate their sales promotion programs, and others evaluate them only superficially. Yet marketers should work to measure the returns on their sales promotion investments, just as they should seek to assess the returns on other marketing activities. The most common evaluation method is to compare sales before, during, and after a promotion. Marketers should ask: Did the promotion attract new customers or more purchasing from current customers? Can we hold onto these new customers and purchases? Will the long-run customer relationship and sales gains from the promotion justify its costs?” (Kotler, 437)
If we find that this type of promotion is not working then we will move on to the local bar promotion and focus on liquor stores, supermarkets, and the local eateries we are trying to get into. We want to have our product to be synonymous with having a great time with the guys. We want our product to be chosen over the competition and thus we will market right along side them. We will be the Every Man’s drink of choice. We will have our vodka in every man’s hand and have them enjoying it along with the Sunday night and Monday games.
“Clearly, sales promotion plays an important role in the total promotion mix. To use it well, the marketer must define the sales promotion objectives, select the best tools, design the sales promotion program, implement the program, and evaluate the results. Moreover, sales promotion must be coordinated carefully with other promotion mix elements within the overall integrated marketing communications program.” (Kotler, 437)
Kotler, Gary Armstrong and Philip. Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation. 10. VitalSource Bookshelf. Pearson Learning Solutions, , Tuesday, December 13, 2011.

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