Employers are turning to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Monster, Inc and other online media to find future employees for their companies. "While VMware still relies on LinkedIn to recruit higher-level executive talent, Mr. Staney said that Facebook users tend to spend more time on the service and are easier to reach than LinkedIn users. Since February, the number of monthly active users on its Facebook page more than tripled to 11,000, he said." Light8, Joe. "Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They like." 8 Aug. 2011. Web. Recruiters and employers alike are finding that they can reach more people by being on a a mass media site like Facebook. Employers like being able get results fast and with these sites, they can not only find out about you through your personal page but also through what your friends say or post about you. These days you have to be careful what is put on these pages because without the proper protections in place anyone and everyone can view what is there.
Not only will employers look for possible candidates on these sites, they will also check up on existing employees. If they suspect that there might be something going on with an employee all they have to do is run a search on Google with the persons name and anything and everything about them will come up: pictures, statements, posts, and anything in their past. This next statements explains what they would like to happen but I think it rarely does: "When asked for comment, LinkedIn referred to its chief executive's remarks from last week's conference call to discuss earnings. During the call , CEO Jeff Weiner said users tell the company they want to keep their personal and professional networks separate." Light8, Joe. "Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They like." 8 Aug. 2011. Web.
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